Welcome to Our New Offices
We're excited to share that we've moved into our new offices at Skansabryggjan. With all our activities under one roof, we look forward to welcoming our customers at our new location...

Faroe Express
Faroe Express takes care of all services related to transport to and from the Faroe Islands, as well as freight shipments worldwide. Faroe Express collaborates with a global network ...
News in Faroese
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Lærupláss sum shipping-lærlingur tøkt á Faroe Ship
Faroe Ship søkir eftir shipping-lærlingi at byrja 1. mars 2025 ella skjótast til ber.

Nýggj beinleiðis ruta til Póllands
Vit fegnast um, at vit frá februar í 2025 fara at sigla beinleiðis til Świnoujście í Póllandi.

Grøni Grani
Sum ein partur av grøna orkuskiftinum hjá Faroe Ship, er annar av stóru kranunum nú bundin í el-netið hjá SEV. Grani, sum er okkara nýggja...

Vit eru flutt
Hósdagin 19. september lata vit upp í nýggju stásiligu hølunum á Skansabryggjuni. Hetta merkir eisini, at alt okkara virksemi er flutt lon...
News in English
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New direct call to Świnoujście, Poland
Starting February 5th 2025 Eimskip will introduce a bi-weekly direct call to Świnoujście, in Western Poland on its Yellow Line.

Green shift with Grani
As part of Faroe Ship's commitment to the green energy transition, one of our large cranes has been connected to SEV's power grid. Grani, ...

We have moved into our new Headquarters
On Thursday, September 19th, we moved into our new offices, and all our activities are now gathered in the same building at Skansabryggjan...

Since midnight on May 13th, workers in the Faroe Islands have been on strike following unsuccessful wage negotiations between four labor u...